I see you education consultant...Â
You have worked hard to start your consulting business.
You’ve taken risks.
You’ve learned so many new things along the way.
But now you’re stuck trading time for money and constantly traveling for consulting clients.
It was fun in the beginning, but now it’s starting to wear on you.
✔️ You want to be home and present with your family
✔️ You want to monetize the digital PD library you’ve already created
✔️ You want to have some consistent income.
How do I know all this?
Because I am exactly where you are too.

Hey, I'm Juliana Tapper
I was a high school math intervention teacher, Algebra 1 teacher, and a district instructional coach before founding my own consulting business, CollaboratEd Consulting. Since 2018, I have loved working with schools, districts, and state departments of education across the US, but I lost the desire to travel out of state for my consulting clients after my daughters were born. Over the years I have grown more and more determined to figure out how to sell my digital PD courses directly to teachers through funnels in order to give myself more freedom and flexibility.
Now I have grown my email list to over 16,000 engaged secondary math teachers, have sold over $180k in digital professional development, and haven’t traveled for a client out of state in over two years. It’s time to share my secrets and help other education consultants achieve more freedom and flexibility.

I've put in the repsÂ
I’ve spent two years getting serious about sales funnels to sell my digital PD courses.
I’ve spent $51,623.57 on Facebook Ads so you don’t have to.
I’ve made over $181,634 with my digital PD sales so you can too.
Now I know there are four pieces of the digital PD puzzle

Here's the thing about me...Â
 I believe in the power of collaboration and that there is enough room on the playground for all of us so I’m always an open book about my experiences, learnings, and failings.
By the end of our call you will have a clear plan to move your digital PD biz forward and be on the path to flexibility, freedom, and financial consistency.
You could continue to let your digital PD library sit there...Â
❌ Not getting any views
❌ Not getting any sales

Or you could take action.

You’ve done hard things in your business before and you can do this too.
Let's add “monetizing my digital PD” to your “DONE” list.